According to scientists, the fruit with the best health benefits in the world is dates. They have the power to alleviate and prevent numerous health problems like cholesterol, hypertension, stroke, and heart attack.

When added to one’s diet, dates will improve the body’s metabolism due to the richness in nutrients. Let’s take a look at the 8 health properties of dates.

1. They have an abundance of iron.

If you suffer from anemia or if you’re pregnant, dates are an excellent food for you. Iron is also beneficial for the hemoglobin and the red blood cells and it also encourages the oxygen flow through the blood.

2. They prevent diarrhea.

Dates are rich in potassium, an essential mineral which prevents diarrhea by alleviating the gut flora and the intestines and thus, it stimulates the creation of good bacteria. I once got diarrhea when i was younger, in public and it was not a good sight.

3. They soothe constipation.

If you suffer from constipation, you can stop it by leaving few dates in a glass of water overnight and then drinking the liquid in the morning. This will better your digestion and the laxative properties will alleviate the constipation.

4. They control body weight.

Eating dates on an empty stomach is a great way to prevent surplus fat. However, don’t exaggerate with their consumption as they’re rich in sugar. 

5. They regulate the cholesterol levels.

Dates balance the cholesterol levels by cleansing the blood vessels and preventing blood clots.

6. They strengthen the heart.

To make your heart stronger, soak few dates in water overnight and in the morning, remove the dates from the water and take out the seeds. Next, blend the seeds in a blender and consume them on their own or add them to smoothies or other foods.

7. They regulate blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure, you should definitely add dates to your diet as they’re rich in potassium and free of sodium. 5 to 6 dates have 80 mg of magnesium, an important mineral, which spreads through the blood vessels and betters the blood flow. 370 mg of magnesium are needed for reduction of the blood pressure.

8. They prevent strokes.

The potassium in dates improves the health of the nervous system and thus lowers the risk of strokes. 400 mg of potassium daily is the amount needed to prevent strokes and consuming dates can easily provide that for you.