32 Signs That You Are Deficient in Magnesium and How to Get It !

32 Signs That You Are Deficient in Magnesium and How to Get It !
It seems illogical that one nutrient can have an immense impact on our health in general. Americans have drastically changed their diet over the years and that has caused various health problems, which we rarely detect on time. Certain nutrients deficiencies have become quite frequent, and magnesium deficiency is definitely the most common.

These days, it is very difficult to get magnesium from our food, and this is a problem because it is a critical mineral.

Why Getting Enough Magnesium is Hard?
In the past, it was easier to get the recommended dosage of magnesium. All we needed to do was eat foods rich in magnesium. Nevertheless, nowadays, magnesium is not prevalent in the soil like it used to be. Modern farming practices and erosion have taken their toll, and there is only small amount of magnesium in the soil today.

Moreover, people eat unhealthy diets and rarely consume foods like seeds, beans, nuts, mackerel and dark leafy green vegetables. All of these foods are abundant sources of magnesium.

Here are 32 Signs That You Are Deficient in Magnesium.
Bowel disease,
Blood clots,
Calcium deficiency,
Difficulty swallowing,
Childbearing and fertility issues,
Heart issues,
High blood pressure,
Kidney and liver disease,
Memory loss,
Muscle cramps,
Personality changes similar to the symptoms of depression, anxiety and mood disorders,
Raynaud’s syndrome might lead to cold toes or fingers, numbness in extremities or changes in the color of the skin due to changes in the temperature,
Potassium deficiencies may lead to irritability, fluid retention and extreme thirst,
Respiratory difficulties,
Type 2 diabetes,
Tooth decay,

As i have said before, magnesium is critical factor and it is vital for more than 300 chemical reactions and bodily processes. Thereby, magnesium deficiency can have a negative impact on health in general.

The best way to promote intake of magnesium is to consume more foods which are abundant in magnesium, like the ones i have mentioned. Moreover, taking supplements which contain magnesium is also an excellent option.