Lose Belly Fat With Only 2 Tablespoons a Day

Lose Belly Fat With Only 2 Tablespoons a Day

Lose Belly Fat With Only 2 Tablespoons a Day

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, known for its ability to destroy pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi. As you can see, coconut oil is the second natural source of concentrated lauric acid.

This miracle oil also contains medium-chain triglycericed, or MCTs. Human body metabolizes these in a different way than short- and long-chain fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty acids are not absorbed as fat, and they are converted into energy.
The tropical oil is believed to be one of the healthiest natural products and it is 90% saturated fatty acids, derivatives of fatty acids, polyphenols (these give coconut oil its distinctive smell and taste), vitamins E and K, and minerals.