12 Cancer Warning Signs People Assume Are Not Dangerous Until It’s Too Late

12 Cancer Warning Signs People Assume Are Not Dangerous Until It’s Too Late.

People with a family history of cancer are extremely cautious and always watch for the specific signs. They work with their doctor, track their health, and take all the preventive measures needed. However, many people fail to notice the cancer signs they were not expecting. The cancer industry promotes only awareness for a few cancer types only, which doesn’t help. 

Therefore, knowing as much as possible is of utmost importance so that you can react on time. Every cancer type has its own signs and symptoms and everything depends on the location of the cancer cells and how widespread they have become. Still, there are some symptoms which are the same to many types.

Most of them are associated with the way the body responds to unwanted organisms. Above, you have a list of 12 cancer warning signs which most people assume aren’t dangerous. Check them out!

1. Changes in your #2’s
Frequent diarrhea, constipation, or suddenly different stool size, may indicate cancer in the lower digestive tract. The same applies to regular pain.

2. Changes in your #1’s
More frequent trips to the bathroom or pain related to urinating can be a sign of cancers affecting the prostate or bladder.

3. Sores
Sores can be a sign of a few types of cancer, such as oral cancer, skin cancer, and cancer affecting the genitals. In case you notice any sore on your body, consult your doctor right away.
4. Bleeding
A couple of cancer types may cause bleeding and the source depends on the type itself. Common signs include bloody stool or urine, bloody discharge, or coughing up blood.
5. Lumps or thickening
Any new lump or an old one which is changing in size seeks medical attention. It should be noted that several types of cancer are linked to growths and tumors which can be noticed through the skin.
6. Unusual hair growth
It is important to mention that unusual hair growth is not limited to skin cancers only! Sometimes, it can indicate something else as well. In case you notice something new, consult your doctor right away as sudden change in the body is the biggest factor for cancer.
7. Skin changes
Again, skin changes are not limited to skin cancer only. Reddened, yellowed, or darkened skin is the most common warning sign.
8. Fever
Even though fever is usually linked to cancers of the immune system, it can indicate any type of cancer which is beginning to spread to other organs.
9. Weight Loss
Sudden weight loss without any reason, such as medication, diet or lifestyle changes, can be a sign of cancer. Most cancer patients experience sudden weight loss, according to The American Cancer Society.
10. Coughing
Chronic cough or scratchy throat may indicate cancer of the respiratory tract, such as throat or lung cancer. Consult your doctor if the cough doesn’t subside.
11. Unusual lymph nodes
Even though we have many lymph nodes over the body, any tender, swollen and uncomfortable lymph node seeks medical attention.
12. Fatigue
Last but not least, fatigue is often a warning sign of cancer as it is the natural response of the immune system. Some cancers may also cause blood loss, which also causes fatigue. Consult your doctor in case you feel chronically fatigued.

Seek medical attention regardless of which of the aforementioned symptoms you experience. Reacting on time is of utmost importance as it increases the chances of beating the cancer before it spreads to other body parts.